Our calling and our mandate are to ensure safe sanctuary for God’s People.
Throughout the gospels, Jesus provides teachings on providing a peaceable kingdom for all of God’s people, including our most precious gifts, our children and youth (Matthew 5:9, Luke 18:15-17). The peaceable kingdom begins with sanctuary.
Scriptures provide examples of how sanctuary is to be a community of protective nurture and harmony (Psalms 20:1-2, 27:4-5). As Christians, we are called to create a safe sanctuary in our churches. They must be holy, safe, and protective communities for all of God’s children, regardless of age or ability.
The purpose of Salem’s Safe Sanctuary Policy is to address the safety of our children, youth, and vulnerable adults at events sponsored by this church. This church recognizes the need to have a formal, written policy with procedures in place (1) to help prevent the opportunity for the occurrence and/or the appearance of abuse of children and youth and (2) to help protect workers from false accusations and/or suspicions.
Therefore, Salem has taken proper steps to ensure that children and youth are safe. These steps include implementation of our Safe Sanctuary Policy and Procedures including the screening of workers and volunteers. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Salem’s Safe Sanctuary Policy, please contact us.