Pastor Suzanne Jones
Pastor Suzanne Jones is excited to return home to Salem UMC. She is a licensed local pastor through the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. Prior to Salem, she served as the associate pastor at Trinity UMC in Frederick, MD. In 2014, she earned a Master of Arts degree in Humanities from Hood College in Frederick, MD, and she is currently earning a Master of Divinity degree at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.
Pastor Suzanne was raised in the United Methodist Church. She grew up in Keedysville, MD attending Salem UMC most of her life. It was there where she discovered how God was calling her to into leadership to serve the church and the world through ministry. Before answering the call to ministry, Pastor Suzanne taught a variety of English and Communication courses at various local community colleges.
Above all, Pastor Suzanne is passionate about sharing God’s message. She uses her gifts of preaching, teaching, and ministry to remind people that they are loved no matter what. She is dedicated to building up the Kingdom of God by helping others grow closer to Christ and each other.
Pastor Suzanne is married to Jeff Jones, and they have two dogs, Katy and Harlie. They currently live in Shepherdstown, WV and are avid Ravens and Orioles fans. She is also an active member of the West Virginia Emmaus Community and walked on WV #105. In her spare time, Pastor Suzanne enjoys making crafts, performing William Shakespeare, and can be caught either singing with her ukulele, or keeping a happy rhythm on her tambourine or her washboard.

Diane Ledden, Organist
Over 49 years of service!
An excerpt from an article published in The Citizen newspaper:
Since 1972 Diane has been full-time organist at Salem and she has never missed a Sunday except for vacations. “I am so happy that I have been given the ability to play, starting with the piano as a child, and then the organ in later years, continually over the past 45 years, for the church that I have been attending all my life,” says Diane. She plays, even if she is ill. And, if you know Diane, you understand this: never ask her to take a vacation around the holy days of Christmas and Easter because it won’t happen!
Diane feels a part of Salem – “part of the woodwork” as she says. But that is the way she likes it. She is as reliable as the sunrise each day. Salem UMC’s Pastor Al Deal says, “Diane is an integral part of the Salem family. Her offering of music enriches everyone’s worship experience and we are all the better for having her here. I can’t imagine what Salem would be like without her.”

Melanie Lang
Office Manager
Office hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday